Karthi, the renowned actor known for his roles in various films, is currently gearing up for his upcoming gangster action drama titled "Japan," scheduled for release during Diwali 2023. However, what's generating significant buzz on social media is Karthi's 26th film, directed by Nalan Kumaraswamy. Kumaraswamy is well-known for his work as a writer on films such as "Super Deluxe," "Theeya Velai Seiyuunam Kumaru" (known as "Something Something" in Telugu), and "Maayavan" (also known as "Project Z").
The latest reports suggest that Karthi will be portraying a police officer in this upcoming movie. This isn't the first time Karthi has taken on such a role; he has previously played police officer characters in films like "Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru" (known as "Khakee" in Telugu), "Sardar," and "Siruthai." The film has already completed 50% of its shooting, and a new schedule is set to begin shortly.
Adding to the excitement, the music for the film will be composed by the legendary AR Rahman. Joining Karthi in the cast is the talented Krithi Shetty, a popular figure in Tollywood, who will be playing the female lead. The film is being produced by Gnanavel Raja under the Studio Green banner. Further details regarding the supporting cast are eagerly awaited and will be revealed in due course.