Niharika Entertainment's upcoming project Saindhav, directed by Sailesh Kolanu and produced by Venkat Boyanapalli, marks Victory Venkatesh's 75th film. Currently being shot in Hyderabad, the film is one of the most expensive projects for Venkatesh and boasts a star-studded cast, including Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui making his Tollywood debut.
The makers recently announced the film's release date as December 22nd, with the film enjoying the long weekend due to the Christmas holiday on the following Monday. The film's title poster and glimpse were released earlier, showcasing an intense avatar of Venkatesh sitting on top of a container with a machine gun in hand.
Saindhav is a pan-India movie and will release in all southern languages and Hindi. The film's team of technicians includes Santosh Narayanan as the music director, S Manikandan as the cinematographer, Garry BH as the editor, and Avinash Kolla as the production designer. Kishore Thallur is the co-producer.
Further updates on the cast are yet to be announced. With a massive budget, Saindhav is set to be a grand cinematic experience for the audience.