Noel Sean

Noel Sean

Playback Singer and Actor

Noel is an Indian film Singer and Lyricst, who has worked predominantly in Telugu movie industry. Noel has worked in popular movies like Eega, Kumari 21F, Valayam, Enduko Emo etc., 

Danger Zone & Nominations

Danger Zone

  • This contestant was in Danger Zone on and was eliminated!

  • This contestant was in Danger Zone on and was eliminated!

  • This contestant was in Danger Zone on and was eliminated!

  • This contestant was in Danger Zone on and was eliminated!


Nominated By

  • Noel Sean: He was self nominated for winning last week task

  • Divi Vadthya: He is fake giving health related issues and seeking sympathy

  • Syed Sohel Ryan: Coins issue, didn't get support from him.

    Kumar Sai: Nominated me with the same issue not mingling with others

    Lasya Manjunath: Noel told yes saying Lasya is fake to Nagarjuna question

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Bigg Boss 4, Day 53, Highlights: Amma, Avinash Playing Around With Housemates.

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Bigg Boss 4: Day 12: Insights

Bigg Boss is angry for breaking rules. It’s time for punishment. Watch today to know how they are punished.

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